----------- oMail-admin - A PHP4 based qmail+vmailmgrd Web interface - (c) 2004 Olivier Mueller ----------- $Id: INSTALL,v 1.18 2004/02/15 18:05:43 swix Exp $ $Source: /cvsroot/omail/admin2/INSTALL,v $ oMail - INSTALL =============== * You will need: -------------- - qmail 1.03 (Dan Bernstein) http://www.qmail.org - vmailmgrd 0.96.8 or higher (Bruce Guenter) ( http://www.em.ca/~bruceg/vmailmgr/ - uscpi-unix 0.34 or higher (Bruce Guenter) (needed to make the daemon works) http://em.ca/~bruceg/ucspi-unix/ OR/AND (at least one!) - ucspi-tcp (Dan Bernstein) (needed to make the daemon works via tcp) http://cr.yp.to/ucspi-tcp.html - qmail-autoresponder 0.93 or higher (Bruce Guenter) http://www.em.ca/~bruceg/qmail-autoresponder/ - php 4.0.x http://www.php.net - apache 1.3.x http://www.apache.org/httpd.html * Installation (draft : if you feel there is anything missing, please contact me!) ------------ 1. install qmail, autorespond and vmailmgr 2. make sure that vmailmgrd (the vmailmgr daemon) is running. Don't forget it needs uscpi-unix or uscpi-tcp to work. Check INSTALL.daemon for some real-life examples of working setups. 3. check config.php and setup the configuration variables. 4. make sure "register_globals" is set ton On in your php.ini configuration file, or add a "php_flag register_globals on" to the virtual host setup 5. if "index.php" is not defined as DirectoryIndex in your Apache conf, replace the $script_url = "$SCRIPT_URL"; line in config.php by $script_url = "$SCRIPT_URL/index.php"; 6. make sure you have installed the autoresponder correctely (look at the vautoresponder file in the qmail-autoresponder distribution...) 7. same thing for vmailmgr-user-based quotas (cf. vmailmgr docs) 8. if necessary, setup domain-based quotas (look next section in INSTALL file) 9. if you want to display mailbox usage (size of accounts), etc. you can setup the scripts/vmailstats.pl script. Check the readme file in the scripts/ directory. 10. Well, then it should work correctely. If it's the case, you can jump to step 99. ... 99. Have a look at http://cdnow.com/gift/om@omnis.ch :) 100. Thanks for using omail-admin! * Quotas ------ check the vmailmgrquota file, and copy it in /var/qmail/control or /etc/vmailmgr more doc to come later about that. You can use the quota's configuation file to disallow the use of autoresponders : just activate the "default" configuration, and set "0" in the last field... * FAQ --- [1] Error Message: Protocol version is 0, not the 2 as this script expects. This seems to be a common deamon problem, and appears only with rpm installations. Here the answer from Ambar Roy: this seems to be the same 255,"" problem that everyone is getting when they use rpms to install the vmailmgr daemon.... and the solution is quite simple... in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/vmailmgrd file change the line that reads: svc start vmailmgrd to something like: nohup /var/service/vmailmgrd/run & and things run fine.... now the only problem is that the stop function stops working!!! [2] Note for Freebsd, from Rick Updegrove FreeBSD 4.9 run script that works NEEDS nohup or I get a variety of the error noted in the INSTALL FAQ umask 0 if [ -s /usr/local/etc/vmailmgr/socket-file ]; then socket_file="`head -1 /usr/local/etc/vmailmgr/socket-file`" else socket_file=/tmp/.vmailmgrd fi exec unixserver -v -- $socket_file nohup vmailmgrd -D -V 2>&1 --Olivier